I know I know, it's been awhile.... Senior week starts tomorrow and I've been very busy gearing up for this years big week and convocation. Maya Angelou is coming for convocation which is next Saturday.
Besides that, I'm running for school board and the election is this Tuesday. If you are here in my district, come on out and vote. It's been an interesting experience and I hope I get the opportunity to represent.
Last week our family went to New Jersey to celebrate the graduation of my niece, Casey. It was a wonderful time seeing everyone. I haven't seen some of my family since last thanksgiving so it was a real treat. Everyone was commenting on how Maysie looks and is just like Carlea. But I have to say, I can't believe how different they are! Carlea is so outgoing and confidentabout everything. She'll hug, talk to, play with just about anything. She went right up and fed the horses next to my sisters house-- no fear-- Maysie however, is so nervous about everything. She gets fearful and worried. I can see anxiety well up inside her the moment I leave.... She is such a gentle soul, she "feels" everything and Carlea seems to not be bothered by much.
It's amazing how different two kids can be....