It's been awhile, so I thought I'd update with a few happenings in the Davis household.
hmmm, where do I begin? A couple of weeks ago, we went to Arkansas to surprise Scott's Mom and Dad for their 50
th Wedding anniversary. We had a great time. We went a couple of days early to set up the party. It was fun sneaking around hoping they wouldn't see us. My sister, Marylou went

with us to help out and it really was nice to have her around. The first full day we were there, as we were decorating the church, I was telling everyone how whenever we come to visit Mimi and Pops we always end up going to the doctor for something. Then it happened.
Carlea fell and hit her head on the leg of a chair. It was pretty bad...blood, her screaming, me screaming...actually that was just in my head, but there was blood and she did cry at first. My gosh, it was a huge cut! Right on her forehead! So we rushed off to the hospital to get it checked out. They were so nice. (Everyone in Arkansas is nice) The nurse, in a
thick southern accent and spelling out the words so
Carlea wouldn't be afraid, said that she would have to get S - U - R - G-- I was shocked! really? surgery? My gosh, was her brain falling out of the cut? I called Scott to tell him and he was clearly as in shock as me. When the nurse came back, I questioned her again. Really? Surgery? I mean I thought it just would be stitches or something. I must have looked pretty pale at that point because she started to laugh and tell me that she was spelling S - U - T - U - R- E - S. Whew! So
Carlea ended up with 6
stitches in her head. She was a real trooper and didn't cry at all. After all she earned herself a whole candy bar. That's pretty good for a kid who only gets 5 m&
m's at a time. They had to wrap her head so she got A LOT of attention, which of course, she loved.

The party was great. We usually talk to them in the evenings through a computer video cam and we staged it to look like we were at home on the computer talking to them at the party. Then we came out and surprised them. It was fun and the kids had a ball.
For the next week we toured Arkansas

hitting all the
hot spots. Clinton Presidential Museum, (he was there the day after us) Mount Magazine (highest point in Arkansas) and a bunch of other places. It was nice weather and the kids love visiting their Mimi and

This week we went to the
Sciencenter. We normally love this place, but this season's exhibit is blood sucking insects. Not really good for a kid who just bumped her head and bled a lot. She didn't sleep for days.
I'm glad spring is here! We can finally go outside and have a little fun.
Maysie is starting to talk up a storm and we've been really loving this stage in her life.

This week we are starting senior week ticket sales, so I'll be busier than ever. Lots of events and great offerings. And to balance things out, I have another school board meeting on Tuesday. As we delve further and further into the budget, things are getting tougher and tougher in terms with making it all work out for the best with what we have. I went to a boy scout
lasagna dinner on Saturday night and sat next to a really nice older couple. The kids were hungry, it was dark and they were fussy. As I sat down after getting up for the
umpteenth time, the woman said "Oh, two young children, I feel sorry for you". Then the conversation turned to community stuff and I mentioned I was on the local school board. She put her fork down, looked me straight in the eye and said, "Oh, now I feel *really* sorry for you".
Have a good week everyone!