Friday, November 14, 2008
Just sillying around
Carla and Maysie have been so wound up today. They were running around, throwing things in the air, chasing each other, screaming...etc... Finally, I said WHAT ARE YOU TWO GIRLS DOING???? and Carlea replied: "Just sillying around Mom". I thought, ok, if they can make the word silly into a verb, then they can silly around all they want.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Last night Scott and our neighbor Bill put together the girls' bunkbeds. It's really really nice and the kids LOVE it. Carlea spent her first night on the top bunk and had no problems. Maysie wanted to be on the top bunk, but she spent the night in her crib. I'll post a picture soon.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sneaky Maysie
Today Scott noticed Maysie watching Carlea all morning. She stood behind a wall and looked around to see if Carlea was coming. When she saw that Carlea went the other way she ran back into their bedroom and stole a pacifier out of Carlea's bed and stuck it under her pillow in her crib!!!! Sneaky, Maysie, Sneaky! I'm sure it's only the beginning.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Scooby Doo better be here to stay...
Scott and I decided it is finally time to redo the kids room from a baby nursery to a kids bedroom. We ordered a new bunkbed...the crib and toddler bed are going away this week. We ordered new Scooby Doo sheets, Scooby Doo curtains, Scooby Doo wall hangings, bookshelves, Scooby Doo comforters, Scooby Doo pillowcases, Scooby Doo posters, etc - all to the tune of about $700. (Their money - we've been saving money for this for about a year) And I swear as soon as I finally paid the very last bill with my credit card, Carlea says "Mommy, I don't like Scooby Doo anymore, my new favorite thing is Calliou". Scott just looked at her and said, "No, it's Scooby Doo and it will be for about 5 more years".
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Not my job...
The kids are so witty these days. Last night when putting Carlea to bed, she was complaining about not having *all* of her pacifiers in her bed. I told her to make her bed and she would probably find them in her sheets to which she replied: "Mommy, that's not my job!" Hmmm well, it is now, smartie pants!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Where has the summer gone?
Wow! Really, where has the summer gone? Carlea started preschool a few weeks ago and is having the time of her life! Maysie has been going to daycare and she really hates it. It's made for
July was filled with lots of fun and
August has been fun playing in Cayuga Lake, visiting
Maysie is talking more and more each day. Her favorite word is "mine!" Why, just the other day she was playing with a toy and Carlea came over and tried to take it away. Maysie placed her hands on Carlea's chest and pushed her while saying "mine!" That didn't stop Carlea...she went right back and tried again to take away the toy. Again, Maysie said "mine!" and pushed her away. Carlea wasn't giving up...she tried again and
Carlea is really enjoying every moment of these summer days. She's taken on some chores in the house, mainly feeding and walking the dog. She does pretty good for a 3 year old. She's actually quite a fun helper. Last week Maysie started going up the stairs and I told her to go get Maysie and as she was running after her little sister I heard her say, "Come back here, Maysie, I'll get you if it's the last thing I do." Where did that come from? She loves chicken bones (Chicken wings) and cheese sticks and has been quite verbal about anything she does not like. We're getting pretty tired of having to dress her in only scooby doo and purple. Do you know how hard it is to find girl scooby doo apparel???
Scott is busy with work and getting everyone fed this first week of school. I'm delving into the world of School Board business, while trying to keep my head above water at work. Where did this summer go? I want it back.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Almost there....
Hi Folks,
I'm down to the last few days at camp. I can't wait to get home and play with the girls. Scott has been doing an amazing job taking care of the girls. And a super thank you to Carla and Bill for helping us out when we needed it! Soon summer can start! Camp has been a lot of fun and the kids are amazingly enjoyable, but I am so ready to get home. Next week we'll relax with Carlea's birthday party on Sunday and then the following week we're off to vacation at the beach. Peace-
I'm down to the last few days at camp. I can't wait to get home and play with the girls. Scott has been doing an amazing job taking care of the girls. And a super thank you to Carla and Bill for helping us out when we needed it! Soon summer can start! Camp has been a lot of fun and the kids are amazingly enjoyable, but I am so ready to get home. Next week we'll relax with Carlea's birthday party on Sunday and then the following week we're off to vacation at the beach. Peace-
Friday, May 16, 2008
How can two kids be so different???
I know I know, it's been awhile.... Senior week starts tomorrow and I've been very busy gearing up for this years big week and convocation. Maya Angelou is coming for convocation which is next Saturday.
Besides that, I'm running for school board and the election is this Tuesday. If you are here in my district, come on out and vote. It's been an interesting experience and I hope I get the opportunity to represent.
Last week our family went to New Jersey to celebrate the graduation of my niece, Casey. It was a wonderful time seeing everyone. I haven't seen some of my family since last thanksgiving so it was a real treat. Everyone was commenting on how Maysie looks and is just like Carlea. But I have to say, I can't believe how different they are! Carlea is so outgoing and confidentabout everything. She'll hug, talk to, play with just about anything. She went right up and fed the horses next to my sisters house-- no fear-- Maysie however, is so nervous about everything. She gets fearful and worried. I can see anxiety well up inside her the moment I leave.... She is such a gentle soul, she "feels" everything and Carlea seems to not be bothered by much.
It's amazing how different two kids can be....
Monday, March 24, 2008
Skinny Minnie Maysie
Maysie's pediatrician is concerned that Maysie hasn't gained enough weight recently. We're not too worried as she eats a ton! She's active and smart and plays all day, she definitely has a great metabolism. She doesn't seem to be skinny-- check out those legs-- double click on the picture - Are they the thighs of a skinny minnie?!?!
We just got over a week of the flu here at the Davis household. Maysie got pneumonia and it's taken a toll on us all. We ended up spending Easter at home trying to get some rest. We're back on the road to feeling better and looking forward to a great Spring.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Blow up, Blow down....
Hi! Carlea, Maysie and I had some time on our hands so we decided to get out all of our toy balls. We have a whole bunch that needs to be blown up and deflated when they return to the ball bin. Carlea says the cutest things! After I blew up every ball for her, she then promptly started handing them back to me as she said "Blow them down, Mommy, Blow them down." After the morning with balls we went to Tot Spot. Then of course, we came home and took a nap. A great day, I'd say!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Fun Day in the Snow
Carlea loves the snow. Luckily we have a great hill in the back of our yard for her to slide down. Here's a little of what she did this past weekend. She 's riding with her "best friend" Ryan.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Maysie's Birthday
Hi Everyone,
Well I am a little late on my new year's resolution of maintaining a blog and updating facebook regularly. But better late than never, so here goes. Things are well in the Davis household. Carlea and Maysie are keeping Scott and I very busy. It's wonderful to see Carlea expressing herself so much more these days! I just love how she phrases things-- like the other day we were talking about something we did yesterday and she said "Remember, Mommy, we did it last day." She really is incredible-- I love seeing her learn and interact every day. Maysie just turned one on Monday and seems to just grow up by leaps and bounds. She's a whopping 17 pounds! She's pulling herself up on everything and wants to play with her sister (or whatever her sister has) all the time. Of course, I had to take a lot of pictures on her birthday trying to get the perfect one. Scott was amazingly patient and I think we got a few good enjoy!
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