Hi Everyone,
Well I am a little late on my new year's resolution of maintaining a blog and updating facebook regularly. But better late than never, so here goes. Things are well in the Davis household. Carlea and Maysie are keeping Scott and I very busy. It's wonderful to see Carlea expressing herself so much more these days! I just love how she phrases things-- like the other day we were talking about something we did yesterday and she said "Remember, Mommy, we did it last day." She really is incredible-- I love seeing her learn and interact every day. Maysie just turned one on Monday and seems to just grow up by leaps and bounds. She's a whopping 17 pounds! She's pulling herself up on everything and wants to play with her sister (or whatever her sister has) all the time. Of course, I had to take a lot of pictures on her birthday trying to get the perfect one. Scott was amazingly patient and I think we got a few good ones...so enjoy!
great photos
Oh my god Jen they are sooo cute and getting so big!
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