Well, here's some photos from our short short summer... Most of you know that I like to take pictures every day and would you believe that I have NO family pictures for the month of July. That's why I'm missing my summer....there is no proof it was ever here.
Here's the gang at the beach in August. Maysie's mantra was "Get me outttttaaaa heeerreeee!!" She must have said it 50 times that day. She loved the sand, hated the waves. Carlea loved every minute of it!
We also enjoyed a trip to the Land of Make believe with cousins Allyssa and Andrew.
Also, while in NJ visiting Pop Pop, he let us be the first ones to pick blueberries from his patch in the back yards. Yum yum!
Later in August I had Camp Davis - a week long adventure camp for some of the cousins. This year we had my brother's two girls visit for a week-- Bridgit and Katie. We had a great time, visiting lots of places.
We made cake pops, a recipe courtesy of my friend, Wendy. They were messy but great.
We went to The Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester and it was AMAZING!
We went to Darien lake one day and also enjoyed the August mild weather with the sprinkler and slip and slide outside.
We also enjoyed lots of time at the natural parks around the area.
Finally we ended out the month with a yardsale and the kids had a great time selling lemonade. They made over $13 with .25 cups of lemonade. i think they got a lot of tips....
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