Monday, September 19, 2011

I think I'll start blogging again!

So, I don't really have enough to do (ahem!) so I think I'll start doing this blog thing again.  If only I would download my pictures off my camera or answer my phone or return email.  Or do my laundry.  Heck clean the shower.  There are so many things to do.  One of my Monday evening meetings was cancelled so now while I wait I thought I'd check out my blog and some others.  That was four hours ago.  Ha!  No, really not true, Cat.  I have been working all day.  Really.  ok, maybe a bit of blog looking.  I swear that's it, though.  Only after 5 though....

So what's new out there?  I've been reading a bit of MckMama and her drama filled world and now I'm checking our scarymommy.  Both kind of funny.  

Hey, btw, I was kissed by a boy the other day and he wasn't even my husband!!!!!!  Oh, do tell.  Do you really want to know?  And he was a younger man too!!!!

I went to kiss Maysie goodbye the other morning and she turned to her cheek when I leaned in!!!  I said Maysie!  You don't want me to kiss you on the lips?  And just then a little boy who was listening came up and said "I'll kiss you" and planted one on me.  So cute!  ~~Sigh~~

Ok, back to work~

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