Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cass Park: July 18, 2010

Fun day at Cass Park today. The kids were disappointed that they didn't get a chance to swim yesterday so we promised them some water time today. They picked out some floaty-type bathing suits before we left and I thought nothing of it...until we got there and realized that they are not allowed. We talked with the head guard and he finally let us stay but only in the baby pool. That was fine with us. It was perfect for the kids to romp around and practice swimming. They played a game they made up of hiding their sunglasses in the water and then having to find them. They played this over and over and over for HOURS!!! It's amazing what will keep them occupied. They actually got everyone else in the little pool to play with them. It was a good day. I'm getting a little anxious because I'll be leaving in just over a week and I'm not ready to leave the girls yet. I feel like my summer is just being cut too short!

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