Friday, July 16, 2010

Jenkinson's Beach: July 16, 2010

The family got up early today to head out to Jenkinson's Beach on the Jersey Shore.  Unfortunately,  I forgot that I had a phone conference scheduled and spent a good hour and a half in the car conferencing.  It was an uneventful ride (only 1.5 hours from my Dad's House) and we were on the beach by noon. 

Maysie was at first a bot scared of the waves, but she got over it and really loved jumping them as they came in.  Carlea loved the water from the moment she stepped in and we had to practically drag her away when we had to leave.  They collected shells, built sand castles and tasted the salty water.  Their squeals of laughter brought a lot of smiles to Scott and my face. 

As we got there we forgot the sun block and had to buy some.  For a mere $20 we were able to protect ourselves from the sun.  $15 parking, $8 umbrella, and and $3 a piece for beach access.  The kids were free.  So after $49 we were settled on the beach.  That doesn't include the gas....

At lunch we got some drinks. fries, a hot dog, sausage thing and a grilled cheese.....$42!

Then we decided to go to the Aquarium: $20 ($10 for each adult)

Dinner: one slice of pizza that the girls split $4.50, juice $2, a dozen clams $14, and a soda that Scott and I split $2

Boardwalk rides-- luckily it was wristband night-- woot.  $15 a piece.  (Carlea rode her first big roller caoster and loved it!)  So the day ran us a bit over $178.50---  amazing!  The girls had a great time and I am glad that we went, but why does it always have to be so expensive. 

Which reminds me, why are the movies so expensive and when they have to charge over $10 for a 2 (maybe) hour show, shouldn't the food be free????    

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